Thursday, April 3, 2014

A Worthy Successor

After writing such a smashingly successful beginning to a series such as A Game of Thrones was, many authors would have had difficulty in meeting the expectations of the rabid fandom for a sequel. Happily, though, Martin is too good an author to drop the ball on us as A Song of Ice and Fire continues. This second book in the saga is every bit as good as the first ... better even!

The dynamic use of multiple narrative perspectives ranging from the youthful voices to the older, more world-weary continues. New POV characters such as Davos are introduced while fast favorites like Arya and Jon from the previous story return. Not only do we have more people to hear from, but they are moving further afield from one another, expanding the influence of the story to demonstrate how the wars of lions, direwolves and dragons reach to all corners of the world. It is a staggeringly broad story with a vast list of characters and factions, but Martin's deft writing keeps the reader on-track. If there is confusion it is likely that it is caused by intentional misdirection on the author's part in order to work through an important story arc ... sit tight and let it work itself out rather than getting frustrated. It's worth it!

I came to take more of an interest in Catelyn's narrative this time around, but still couldn't warm to Danaerys. Arya and Sansa continued to be absorbing in their different ways, and Jon was (of course) arresting as always. I must confess, though, that Tyrion's is my favorite POV to read because of his humor and ability to find and use his own personal strengths despite all of the humiliation and cruelty he suffers at the hands of those who should love and value him. Each character is significant both individually and as part of the whole. They have their personal quirks and vices, but their unique outlooks can allow a view which presents the good in some of the least-loved characters, and the darkness in the ones we love the most.

Again, a wonderful trip through Westeros. Bravo!


Are you all joining me in my countdown to Sunday's season premier?

3 DAYS...

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