Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Off to a Strong Start

Wow! This is one of those books that will keep you up way past your bedtime. Once the plot really picked up I just couldn't put it down! The characters are wonderfully constructed, the heroine is feisty and cerebral, and the plot is deeply layered and forces us to examine our own concepts of justice. And this is a debut novel?! You really can't tell as the writing is so smooth and tight that Shannon comes across as a veteran author. She gives us a bit of everything: adventure, suspense, intrigue, morality, horror, and even romance! Above all, however, this is at its core a coming-of-age story that is powerful and hauntingly bittersweet.

Paige Mahoney is voyant, a rare dreamwalker. Unlike other "unnaturals" her spirit can leave the confines of her physical body and wander at will, accessing and manipulating the dreamscapes of others. In a world hostile to the very mention of clairvoyance Paige is always a breath away from the gallows. When her luck runs out and she is taken by the authorities she finds out just why no voyant ever returns once taken...

Evil flesh-eating beasties, a city erased from the map, a poisonous plot, and the mysterious Rephaim who offer the world their protection at the cost of slavery. This is a book that packs it all in! Admittedly, there are elements of the story that show Shannon's inexperience, though. Many reviews complain about the jargon overload, and I agree that it is fast and thick, especially at the beginning. If you are at all familiar with modern British slang, though, or if you just roll with it, you'll find that it is somewhat self-explanatory. If not, there is a handy-dandy glossary in the back! Personally, however, the biggest issue I had with the story is the awareness of time passing. You can tell from one mention of spring during Paige's training and then the approaching date of the Bicentary celebration (September 1st), that this takes place over months, but the way the action and dialogue runs it seems like it only lasts a few weeks at most. It was a mildly confusing paradox that threw me off from time to time.

All in all, a wonderful book! Thank you to Anna from The Reading Room for suggesting it! I can't wait to read the next, though the wait will be painful. If the sequel is on-par with it's stellar predecessor, though, it will be well worth it. Bravo!



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