Thursday, March 13, 2014

What's Your Guilty Pleasure?

We've all read it. That book we just absolutely adore, but would die of embarrassment if anyone found out we were reading it. A trashy romance, a sappy YA novel, a nerdy space opera -- bend back that cover and angle it so that no one can possibly read the title over your shoulder! Ah, the mortification of it all. But we wouldn't give it up for the world, would we?

My all-time favorite "guilty pleasure" book would have to be Because You're Mine by Lisa Kleypas. I first read it in high school, and have happily -- and stealthily -- revisited the romance of Logan and Madeline every now and then since. It's sweet, it's hot stuff, and it just gives you that delightfully warm-fuzzy feeling. I was never actually caught reading it, but I had a few close calls!

So, what are your guilty pleasure reads? Did anyone ever discover your secret addiction?

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